The MX is a vintage off-road inspired helmet, but totally modern in engineering and materials, offering the freedom of an open face helmet, but having the protection of a full face one.
The MX harks back to the classic days of 70s motocross with its vintage styling, while still maintaining the up to date comfort and protection of modern helmets. It looks great paired with different styles of goggles or sunglasses
Casca este foarte potrivta motociclistilor care merg preponderent in oras. De asemenea, cel mai potrivit pentru calatorii de croaziera.
Ofera o aerisire foarte buna, asa ca este confortabila chiar si in cele mai toride zile de vara.
Design-ul castii ne aminteste de zilele motocrossului anilor ’70, cu stilul sau vintage, dar este cu totul moderna in tehnicile de productie si materiale: un compozit de dyneema, carbon si aramid (DCA) - cu o rezistanta sporita si o greutate mult redusa.
Ofera libertatea unei casti open face, dar ofera protectia unei casti full face.
Celor dintre noi cu mai putin de 2 ani de experienta, recomandam acest model in detrimentul unei casti open face datorita protectiei sporite.
Designul este aerodinamic, greutatea este redusa, ceea ce face ca experienta de drum sa fie una foarte buna.
Materialul interios este tratat antialergenic si poate fi scos pentru spalare.
Permite instalarea unui sistem de comunicare.
Acompaniaza perfect motocicletele clasice, neo-clasice, cafe racer, bobber, sau orice alt stil custom. Arata grozav cu ochelari moto - vedeti oferta noastra - sau cu ochelari de soare.
PREMIER Helmets este o marca italiana care produce casti inca din 1956. Este unul dintre cei mai buni producatori din lume care imbina traditia italiana in design, cu solutii de fabricatie atent concepute pentru cel mai bun confort si protectie.
Tabelul de marimi este
XS - 53-54 cm
S - 55-56 cm
M - 57-58 cm
L - 59-60 cm
XL - 61 cm
The Italians form Premier Helmets have really nailed it: the MX design delivers fantastic air travelling, so it is most comfortable even in the hottest summer days. The design is aerodynamic and this adds to a quite silent riding experience.
The riding experience is largely enhanced also by the light weight. The shell compound is extremely durable and resistant, so protection wise you will have one of the safest helmets out there.
Would recommend this for all motorbikers riding in the city - even on modern motorcycles. Also most suited for cruising trips of under 120 km/h.
Those of us with less than 2 years of experience, would strongly recommend this MX over an open-face helmet - still sexy and even a bit meaner.
PREMIER Helmets is an Italian brand manufacturing helmets since 1956. They are one of the best manufacturers in the World blending the Italian heritage in great design with the carefully engineered manufacturing solutions for best comfort and protection while riding.